
to the

Ham America Radio Club


Connecting Hams and Ham Clubs Everywhere 

The Ham America Radio Club promotes the hobby of Ham Radio throughout our communities.

The mission of our Ham Radio Club is to connect all Ham's across the world. 

This is the logo for the Ham America Radio Club. The logo is in the shape of a circle. In the circle is a picture of the famous tower that was built by Nikola Tesla with electricity waves that look like lightening coming out from the top of the tower. The letters H, R, and C are on either side of the tower to make the tower seem like it represents the letter A to say HARC, which is the acronym for the Ham America Radio Club.

What is Ham radio?

In a nutshell, Ham Radio is a way to communicate locally, internationally, and even in space, transmitting on certain allotted amateur "ham" radio frequencies, using a wide variety of radio equipment.

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Understanding Radio Waves

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

Get Licensed!

To be able to broadcast on Ham Radio frequencies you are required to have an FCC license, which gives you a call sign that is used to communicate with other Hams locally and around the world.

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Get Involved!

The Ham Radio community is as big as you want to make it. The fun thing about the Ham America Radio Club is it brings together all Ham's of all Ham Radio clubs as one big family to help each other in so many ways.

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