What Is Ham Radio?
There Is A Lot Of Information Out There

The Hobby Of Ham Radio
If you are new to Ham Radio it can be a bit overwhelming. There are so many Ham Radios out there. There are lots of things to learn about how to use the equipment you end up buying. There are a lot of frequencies you can or can't use depending on your license class rating. There are a ton of software programs out there to use for logging your contacts you make when on the air. The list goes on and on of all the things to learn and use in the world of Ham Radio. We will do our best to give you a starting point and want you to know that part of the reason people really enjoy Ham Radio is because there are so many different things you can do. "Sky's the limit" is a fairly accurate way to describe Ham Radio except we can talk with the space station as Ham Radio operators so we are not limited by the sky.

Choosing A Radio
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Choosing An Antenna
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Choosing Helpful Software
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Call Signs
To be able to broadcast on ham radio frequencies you are required to have an FCC license. When you get your license you are issued a call sign. Call signs are used to identify who you are and who it is you are talking to on the other end.

Call Signs Issued
When you pass the exam for your initial license you are issued a call sign by the FCC. The length of you call sign depends on the class level of your license.

Country Call Sign Codes
There are ham radio operators all around the world. Part of the fun in the ham radio hobby is communicating with someone overseas from a small radio in your home made radio shack.

US Regions Numbered By Location
The number in your call sign is determined by where you live in the country at the time you take your initial exam for a Technician Class License.

Nikola Tesla
Radio owes a lot to Nikola Tesla. Mr. Tesla was ages ahead of his time. If you don't know who Nikola Tesla was you should definitely look him up. We feel that Mr. Telsa should have the perpetual call sign A1 for all he did for radio and much more. The picture above is of the Wardenclyffe Tower (1901–1917), also known as the Tesla Tower.